Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Feeling creative :)

I recently got into making my own t-shirts!
I've made some for me and some for friends and they've come out pretty damn sweet.
(If I do say so myself...)
Here's a little bit of what I've accomplished so far..

I made this for premiere night of Harry Potter :)
I made these little onesies for my friend's 14 month old baby
I did this as a test run, it came out pretty sweet for my first time...

I decided to have a little contest for all my new friends just to say thanks!

Just post a comment below and tell me what you want on your shirt.
I'll get a random # generator and announce the winner in.. let's say... 3 days?
Let me know what you think, and if you want to participate!
If you win, just choose your shirt size and shirt color and design.
I'll get your address and all that info from you privately.
I'll try my best to do it for you!

Thanks to all of you guys and good luck!


ElliotGreen said...

I like the Harry Potter one a lot!

Jackson.k said...

Alright, i'll enter! I dig the angry birds shirt alot. :)

SuperGeek said...

very nice...I love it ...+followed

Reuel said...

Angry birds are nice

Anonymous said...

They are pretty good!

Milky said...


kwile said...

Those are pretty good. Like the Harry Potter one. Or, a shirt with a saying on it. Sure I can come up with a few. lol

Anonymous said...

Amazing, I love invader zim. You should send me one ;)

Mo said...

hell yeah angry birds!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE GIR ONE, nice blog btw +followed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm liking the Harry Potter one as well. Neat stuff!

Uberbyron said...

It's cool to see your creativity on t-shirts!

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Not bad at all! I like the invader zim one.

Majin Shinsa said...

looks wicked good!

DAILYES said...


RisingSun2468 said...

Angry birds! Great designs so far.

Electric Addict said...

omg you are so talented! i'd love to have an invader zim shirt !!

Food Not Bahms said...

Now that's impressive! I love the Gir shirt!

Alphalpha said...

The first one is really awesome, that coming from someone who hates Harry Potter

1HipHopBlog said...

Angry birds..lol

Heaven. said...

Wow, I love the Harry Potter one! I think my 4 year old would die of excitement if he saw a baby in that Angry Birds onesie. Too cute!

Dilord said...

this is awesome I like the angry bird and invader Zim ones.

Bryan Anthony said...

I would wear the hell out of a Fight Club themed shirt in this style.

Khorne said...

Haha the Invader Zim shirt is great :p

vitaminandmineralfacts said...

Sweet T's. Gonna have to look into getting me a couple of those. Thanks.

Markis Markison said...

girl i want a shirt with megaman on it. go on, make me one.